Early Access to Crystal Rush

Crystal Rush was inspired by a very popular battle royal game, Fortnite. In this first update, we tried to implement many of the features a shooter battle royal game should have, from the scratch up. We designed the character motion with scripts and rigging, added animation by importing custom animations from the web, set up codes for take damage and shooting, as well as many other features which can be seen in the game. Most importantly, we studied and implemented finite state machine to control the 99 bots that will roam around the map. 

This is my first game, as well as the other 3 members in our group. Although we each took one aspect of the game to contribute to, in the end we all were able to reinforce each other's progress and finish a functional early access in 3 weeks. 


TemplateData.zip Play in browser
Nov 19, 2024

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